Top Adoption Support Groups: Find the Right Adopt Me Support in New York

A diverse group of smiling families, including different ethnicities, same-sex couples, and single parents, gathered in a bright, welcoming community center room. Some adults are talking in small groups, while others are hugging or comforting each other. Children of various ages play together in the background. A banner on the wall reads 'New York Adoption Support Group Meeting'. The image should convey a sense of warmth, community, and support.

Discover the top adoption support groups in New York. Find the right Adopt Me support to help you navigate the adoption journey with essential resources and community connections.

Adopting a child is a big step. It can be exciting but also challenging. Many people who adopt need help and support. That’s where adoption support groups come in. These groups bring together people who have adopted or want to adopt. They offer a place to share experiences, get advice, and find friends who understand what you’re going through.

In New York, there are many adoption support groups. This article will help you find the right one for you. We’ll look at different types of groups, what they offer, and how to join them. Whether you’re just starting to think about adoption or have already adopted, there’s a group that can help you.

Why Join an Adoption Support Group?

A diverse group of smiling families, including different ethnicities, same-sex couples, and single parents, gathered in a bright, welcoming community center room. Some adults are talking in small groups, while others are hugging or comforting each other. Children of various ages play together in the background. A banner on the wall reads 'New York Adoption Support Group Meeting'. The image should convey a sense of warmth, community, and support.

Before we dive into the specific groups in New York, let’s talk about why you might want to join one. According to AdoptUSKids, support groups can be crucial for adoptive families.

  1. Emotional Support: Adoption can stir up many feelings. It’s normal to feel happy, scared, unsure, or overwhelmed. In a support group, you can talk about these feelings with people who get it.
  2. Practical Advice: Other adoptive parents can share tips on everything from paperwork to parenting. They’ve been there and can offer real-world advice.
  3. Resources: Support groups often know about helpful resources. This might include adoption-friendly therapists, schools, or doctors.
  4. Community: Adoption can sometimes feel isolating. A support group gives you a community of people who share similar experiences.
  5. Education: Many groups bring in speakers or offer workshops. These can help you learn more about adoption-related topics.

Now that we know why support groups are helpful, let’s look at some top groups in New York.

Adoptive Parents Committee (APC)

The Adoptive Parents Committee is one of the oldest and largest adoption support groups in New York. They’ve been around since 1970 and have chapters across the state.

What They Offer:

  • Monthly meetings
  • Annual adoption conference
  • Online forums
  • Mentoring program
  • Advocacy work

APC welcomes all types of adoptive families. This includes people who have adopted domestically or internationally, same-sex couples, and single parents. They also support people who are still in the process of adopting.

Their monthly meetings cover different topics. You might hear from an adoption lawyer one month and a child psychologist the next. These meetings are a great way to learn and connect with other adoptive families.

The annual conference is a big event. It brings together hundreds of adoptive families and adoption professionals. You can attend workshops, hear from speakers, and meet other families.

New York Adoption Support Groups on Facebook

Facebook can be a great place to find adoption support. There are several New York-focused groups:

  1. New York Adoption and Foster Care: This group has over 2,000 members. It’s for anyone involved in adoption or foster care in New York. You can ask questions, share stories, and connect with others.
  2. Adoptive Families of New York City: This group is specific to NYC. It’s a place for adoptive families to share local resources and meet up.
  3. New York State Waiting Adoptive Parents: If you’re in the process of adopting, this group is for you. Members share updates on their adoption journeys and offer support to each other.

To join these groups, search for them on Facebook and request to join. The group admins will usually approve you within a day or two.


Spence-Chapin is a well-known adoption agency in New York. But they also offer great support services for adoptive families.

What They Offer:

  • Support groups for parents
  • Groups for adopted children and teens
  • Counseling services
  • Workshops and events

One unique thing about Spence-Chapin is their focus on the whole family. They have groups not just for parents, but for adopted kids too. This can be really helpful, especially as kids get older and start to explore their identities.

Their parent groups meet monthly. Some are general support groups, while others focus on specific topics. For example, they have a group just for parents who have adopted transracially.

Spence-Chapin also offers one-on-one counseling. This can be helpful if you’re dealing with specific challenges or just want more personalized support.


The New York Council on Adoptable Children, or COAC, is another great resource. They focus on supporting families who have adopted from foster care.

What They Offer:

  • Support groups
  • Training workshops
  • Advocacy work
  • Resource library

COAC’s support groups meet monthly. They have groups for parents, teens, and younger kids. These groups are a safe space to talk about the unique challenges of adopting from foster care.

Their training workshops cover a wide range of topics. You might learn about dealing with trauma, navigating the school system, or understanding your child’s rights.

COAC also does important advocacy work. They fight for policies that support adoptive families and children in foster care. By joining COAC, you’re not just getting support – you’re also supporting their work.


For LGBTQ+ families, the Lesbian and Gay Family Building Project is a valuable resource. While they’re based in Binghamton, they serve families across New York State.

What They Offer:

  • Online support groups
  • Annual family conference
  • Resource directory
  • Educational materials

Their online support groups are a great way to connect with other LGBTQ+ adoptive families. These groups meet monthly via video chat. It’s a chance to share experiences and get advice from people who understand your unique journey.

The annual family conference is a highlight for many members. It’s a weekend of workshops, socializing, and fun activities for kids. It’s a great way to build community and learn from experts in LGBTQ+ family building.


The Adoptive and Foster Family Coalition of New York, or AFFCNY, is a statewide organization. They support adoptive, foster, and kinship families.

What They Offer:

  • Helpline for families
  • Support groups
  • Training programs
  • Annual conference
  • Advocacy work

AFFCNY’s helpline is a great resource. If you’re facing a challenge or just have a question, you can call and talk to an experienced adoptive parent.

Their support groups meet in person and online. They have groups for parents, teens, and younger kids. Some groups focus on specific topics, like transracial adoption or adopting older children.

AFFCNY also offers a lot of training. They have online courses you can take at your own pace. They also offer in-person workshops around the state.


While not specific to New York, NACAC is a national organization that offers great resources. They have a strong presence in New York and work closely with local groups.

What They Offer:

  • National conference
  • Online training
  • Advocacy work
  • Resource library

NACAC’s national conference is a big event in the adoption world. It brings together families, professionals, and advocates from across the country. It’s a great place to learn, connect, and feel part of a larger community.

Their online training covers a wide range of topics. You can learn about everything from attachment issues to navigating open adoptions. Many of these trainings are free.

NACAC also does important advocacy work at the national level. They fight for policies that support adoptive families and children in foster care.

How to Choose the Right Support Group

With so many options, how do you choose the right support group? Here are some things to consider:

  1. Type of Adoption: Some groups focus on specific types of adoption, like international adoption or foster care adoption. Look for a group that matches your situation.
  2. Family Structure: If you’re a single parent or LGBTQ+ family, you might want a group that specifically supports your family type.
  3. Location: Consider whether you want an in-person group or if you’re okay with online support. For in-person groups, think about how far you’re willing to travel.
  4. Meeting Times: Check when the group meets. Make sure it fits with your schedule.
  5. Group Size: Some people prefer larger groups with more resources. Others like smaller, more intimate groups. Think about what feels right for you.
  6. Children’s Programs: If you have kids, you might want a group that offers programs for them too.
  7. Cost: Some groups are free, while others charge a fee. Consider what fits your budget.

Remember, you don’t have to stick with just one group. Many families find it helpful to be part of several groups. You might go to local meetups for social support and join online groups for 24/7 access to advice.

Making the Most of Your Support Group

Once you’ve found a group (or groups) that feels right, here are some tips to get the most out of it:

  1. Be Active: The more you participate, the more you’ll benefit. Share your experiences and ask questions.
  2. Be Open: It’s okay to be vulnerable. Sharing your challenges can help you get the support you need.
  3. Listen: You can learn a lot from other people’s experiences. Even if their situation is different from yours, their insights might be helpful.
  4. Respect Privacy: What’s shared in the group should stay in the group. Respect other members’ privacy.
  5. Use Resources: Many groups offer resources beyond just meetings. Take advantage of workshops, online forums, and other offerings.
  6. Give Back: As you become more experienced, consider mentoring newer members or volunteering with the group.
  7. Bring Your Partner: If you have a partner, try to attend together when possible. It can be a great way to build your support system as a couple.
  8. Keep an Open Mind: You might hear ideas or perspectives that are new to you. Try to keep an open mind and learn from others.

For more tips on making the most of support groups, check out this article from Child Welfare Information Gateway.


Adoption is a journey, and it’s not one you have to take alone. New York offers a wealth of support groups for adoptive families. Whether you’re just starting to think about adoption or have been an adoptive parent for years, there’s a group out there for you.

Remember, it’s okay to try out a few different groups before you find the right fit. And your needs might change over time. The support you need when you’re first adopting might be different from what you need when your child is a teenager.

These groups offer more than just support. They’re a place to make friends, learn new skills, and become part of a community. They can help you navigate the challenges of adoption and celebrate the joys.

So don’t hesitate to reach out. Join a group, attend a meeting, or simply browse some online forums. You’ll find a community of people who understand what you’re going through and are ready to support you every step of the way.

Adoption can be a beautiful and rewarding experience. With the right support, you can navigate its challenges and fully embrace its joys. The adoption community in New York is strong and welcoming. You’re not alone on this journey – there’s a whole community ready to support you.

For more information on adoption in New York, you can also check out the New York State Office of Children and Family Services website.

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